1. Design

Click Design to use Form Designer to create or make changes to your form instead of or in addition to using the Form Template.

Using Form Designer

2. Upload

Click Upload to use the Form Template to create or make changes to your form instead of or in addition to using Form Designer.

Using the Form Template

3. Preview

Use Preview to preview the default version of the form for data entry. The button will change to Preview (as a Participant) if it is marked as a Participate form.

OpenClinica Participate

4. Description

Add, edit, or remove a brief description for the form.

5. Form Properties

Use the Form Properties section to mark a form as Hidden or Required. Here you can also set the SDV status for the form.

Form Properties

Source Data Verification (Monitor)

Source Data Verification (Data Manager)

6. Participate Properties

*This section will only appear if the Participate module is activated for your study. Here, you can specify if the form is a Participate form (where participants will fill out the form), if it will have a Public URL, and if the form will be offline capable.

Design Participate Forms

7. Permission Tag

Use Permission Tags to determine which User Roles can access data from specific Forms in Study Runner.

Permission Tags

User Access & Sharing

8. Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary gives you form-specific information including form metadata, form properties, and item metadata (such as Item OID, Item Group Name, Item Group OID, Item Type, and Insight Table). The Data Dictionary is available via a link on each form card in Study Designer and can be downloaded as a CSV file to view outside of Study Designer.

Locating Object Identifiers in a Study

9. Versions

This section displays all available versions of the form and indicates the default version. Click on the menu next to the version name to display all available actions for the version.

Publishing Your Study

Publish History

Form Migration

10. Drafts

Drafts will display the pending version of the form. Click the menu to view all actions for the draft including saving the draft as a version.

11. OID

Quickly view the form OID to reference for different form functions.

Locating Object Identifiers in a Study

12. Collaborate

The Collaborate section includes multiple features to facilitate collaboration with colleagues while building your study.







Additional Resources for Form Cards

Designing Forms

Use this section to get started designing forms within your study, learn about events, and understand the basics with form templates.

Design a Study

Events & Forms


Logic and Functions

Use this section to go beyond the basics with your forms by using functions and logic.

Form Logic



Example Forms

Use this section to view sample CDISC CDASH-compliant eCRF templates that can be customized or imported as-is to the OpenClinica EDC platform.

Form Library (CDASH)