The Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) is a clinical research standards body formed to encourage maximum sharing of information and minimum duplication of efforts. One of the standards CDISC has created and endorsed is the Operational Data Model (ODM), which facilitates the archive and interchange of the metadata and data for clinical research. ODM is represented in XML format and is designed to collect data from many different sources into one document.
Purpose of This Document
OpenClinica provides and/or consumes CDISC ODM XML representations in its Extract Data and Import Data modules and other parts of the software. This document describes how OpenClinica represents study metadata and data that is stored in its internal database as CDISC ODM XML documents. It assumes a working knowledge of CDISC ODM 1.3 and of OpenClinica, and attempts to describe how each OpenClinica field or element is represented in ODM, and under what conditions. The document is best read when accompanied by the CDISC ODM standard. It is geared towards developers, but is also intended for data managers who want to know more about the capabilities of ODM XML export in OpenClinica. Additionally, parts of this document will find its way into the online documentation, for all end users.
OpenClinicas ODM representation has changed iteratively from version to version of OpenClinica, and the appendix to this document charts these changes since version 2.5 and the addition of the custom extension to the ODM, introduced with OpenClinica 3.0.
Scope of This Document
This document provides a detailed specification of the OpenClinica CDISC ODM XML version 1.3 with OpenClinica Extensions as implemented in the OpenClinica 3.1 and later releases.
Definitions and Acronyms
- CDISC Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
- DOM Document Object Model
- ODM CDISC Operational Data Model
- XML Extensible Markup Language
- XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language, a language for displaying an XML file as a given type.
General Issues
CDISC defines its Operational Data Model, version 1.3, as a vendor neutral, platform independent format for interchange and archive of clinical trials data. The model includes the clinical data along with its associated metadata, administrative data, reference data and audit information. All of the information that needs to be shared among different software systems during the setup, operation, analysis, submission or for long term retention as part of an archive is included in the model.
An XML document must meet certain basic criteria to be considered conformant to the ODM standard. These are briefly discussed below:
Syntatic Constraints
The syntactic constraints defined by the ODM standard are:
- The ODM file must be a well-formed XML file. See the XML standard for details.
- The ODM file must conform to the XML Namespace standard. See the XML Namespace standard for details.
- The ODM file must contain only elements and attributes defined in the ODM standard schema or in a valid vendor extension schema, and must satisfy the rules about element nesting and the formats of attribute values and element bodies.
- The ODM file must contain a prolog and a single (top-level) ODM element.
- The namespace for version 1.3 of the ODM is
Currently, the ODM study definition file (available from the View Study page at the URL /DownloadStudyMetadata?studyId=#) does not meet these requirements for the following reasons:
- The file generated from the View Study page is only a fragment of XML, and does not contain the initial tag which defines the character set and version, i.e. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>.
- The file generated does not contain references to any XML Namespaces, including the namespace for version 1.3 of the ODM itself.
- The file generated does contain elements defined in the ODM standard schema, but lacks the single top-level ODM element.
- The files suffix is txt instead of xml.
OpenClinica ODM Data Import meets the above constraints, but note that OpenClinica parses everything within the ClinicalData element only, and it does not read anything in the Study element, and, as such, cannot import Study metadata at this time.
Entities and Elements
Entities and elements in OpenClinica use the same names as their counterparts in ODM. For example, the ODM definitions for study event and Study Event Definition are valid for the entities of the same name in OpenClinica (see Section 2.6, Entities and Elements, of the ODM specification):
- A study event is a reusable package of forms usually corresponding to a study data-collection event.
- A Study Event Definition describes a particular type of study event (mostly by listing the types of forms it can contain).
- The clinical data of a study will typically have many actual study events corresponding to each StudyEventDef,
Where the usage of these entity names in OpenClinica diverges from the ODM definition, it will be noted in this document.
Clinical Data Keys
The ODM standard uses the concept of Internal Clinical Data Keys to uniquely address clinical data entities within the model. The following table details the key, or combination of entity identifiers, that you would need to uniquely and specifically address a clinical data entity.
Kind of Entity | Identifying Keys (ODM) | Identifying Keys (OpenClinica ODM) |
Study | StudyOID | Same as ODM |
Subject | above plus SubjectKey | Same as ODM |
Study Event | above plus StudyEventOID and StudyEventRepeatKey | Same as ODM |
Form | above plus FormOID and FormRepeatKey | Same as ODM, however repeating forms are not supported so no FormRepeatKey is necessary |
Item Group | above plus ItemGroupOID and ItemGroupRepeatKey | Same as ODM |
Item | above plus ItemOID | Same as ODM |
Annotation | keys for the annotated entity plus SeqNum | Not used in OpenClinica |
For example, an XPath query to retrieve a specific item data value in an OpenClinica ODM Extract would be of the form:
/odm:ODM/odm:ClinicalData[@StudyOID=’S_P12345_2818′]/odm:SubjectData[@SubjectKey=’SS_101′]/odm:StudyEventData[@StudyEventOID=’SE_INITIALT’ and @StudyEventRepeatKey=’1′]/odm:FormData[@FormOID=’F_AGEN_V10′]/odm:ItemGroupData[@ItemGroupOID=’IG_AGEN_DOSETABLE-F_AGEN_V10′ and @ItemGroupRepeatKey=’1′]/odm:ItemData[@ItemOID=’I_AGEN_AGENT_NAME’]/@Value
In the image below you can see that the latter half of the XML file (the part contained in the <ClinicalData> tags) links to specific tables in the OpenClinica database. We then link back to the Study metadata through those OIDs. Internally we dont use OIDs in those tables, but instead the conventional methods of primary keys and foreign keys in the database is good enough. For more on how ODM, OIDs, and Clinical Data Keys are implemented in OpenClinica see the blog post, “Thoughts on Code: OpenClinica and Open Standards with CDISC”.
Data Representations in ODM XML (Extract)
When OpenClinica outputs ODM XML, the five basic XML entities (gt, lt, quot, amp, apos) are escaped using XML Entity notation (For example: “bread” & “butter” => "bread" & "butter").
Whitespace is represented literally linebreaks and tabs in ItemData values and other fields will be preserved. Note that, while tabs and carriage returns are limited in the data entry side of the application, (tabs will automatically shift focus from one Item to the next, for example) all spaces and linebreaks are saved to the database, and will export into ODM XML.
Items saved in the database with non-ASCII characters will be extracted to XML entities using their ASCII decimal value equivalents; please see the next section, “OpenClinica Data Representations in ODM XML (Extract)” for an example of this.
Item Data Types
OpenClinica supports a subset of the Item Data Types defined in ODM. The data type mapping is shown below, along with the allowed string pattern used to validate item values for a given data type. Note that a listing of no definition in the table below means that the data type is not supported in OpenClinica.
Item Data Types
CDISC Item Data Type | OpenClinica Data Type | Allowed Values (Data Import) | Representation of Values (Extract) |
text | ST | Any sequence of characters up to the maximum allowed number of characters (currently 4000). If the value is greater than the width is specified in the items width_decimal property (or 255, whichever is less), a discrepancy note will be created but the data will be allowed. | |
partialDate | PDATE | A date represented according to the XML schema date datatype, which is based on the ISO8601 standard (YYYY-MM-DD). | A date represented according to the XML schema date datatype, which is based on the ISO8601 standard (YYYY-MM-DD). Partial Dates can be YYYY-MM or YYYY and will be exported as YYYY-MM or YYYY. |
text | FILE | Files cannot be imported into ODM at this time. | A string representing the file name of the stored file, up to the maximum allowed number of characters (currently 4000). |
integer | INT | -?digit+ If the value is greater than the width specified in the items width_decimal property (or 255, whichever is less), a discrepancy note will be created but the data will be allowed. | |
float | REAL | -?digit+(.digit+)? If the value is greater than the width is specified in the items width_decimal property (or 255, whichever is less), a discrepancy note will be created but the data will be allowed. Float values will only be rounded for calculations, based on the decimal specified in the items width_decimal property if it exists. If no width_decimal is provided it will round to the 4th decimal place. For example, if someone entered a value like 6.987398 into a field that is not a calculation, the number will not be rounded to the 4th decimal place. | |
date | DATE | A date represented according to the XML schema date datatype, which is based on the ISO8601 standard (YYYY-MM-DD). | A date represented according to the XML schema date datatype, which is based on the ISO8601 standard (YYYY-MM-DD). |
time | No definition | ||
datetime | No definition | ||
string | No definition | ||
boolean | No definition | ||
double | No definition | ||
hexBinary | No definition | ||
base64Float | No definition | ||
partialTime | No definition | ||
partialDatetime | No definition | ||
durationDatetime | No definition | ||
intervalDatetime | No definition | ||
incompleteDatetime | No definition | ||
URI | No definition |
Mapping of OpenClinica Elements to ODM
CDISC ODM | OpenClinica Data Schema (table.column_name) | OpenClinica CRF Spreadsheet | Example Values (Comments) |
ODM | |||
FileOID | | Intervention_DatasetD20100924143323+0300 | |
CreationDateTime | 2010-09-24T14:33:23+03:00 | ||
FileType | Snapshot (generated automatically) | ||
ODM Version | 1.3 | ||
xsi:schemaLocation | OpenClinica-ODM1-3-0-OC2-0.xsd | ||
Study | |||
OID | study.oc_oid | S_DEMO123 | |
StudyName | | Demonstration Study | |
StudyDescription | study.summary | This study is used for demonstrational purposes | |
ProtocolName | study.unique_identifier | Demo123 | |
MeasurementUnit | |||
OID | measurement_unit.oc_oid | MU_HG | |
Name | | UNITS | Hg |
Symbol | |||
TranslatedText | item.units | UNITS | Hg |
MetaDataVersion | |||
OID | dataset.odm_metadataversion_oid | v1.0.0 (defined at dataset creation time) | |
Name | dataset.odm_metadataversion_name | MetaDataVersion_v1.0.0 | |
StudyEventRef | |||
StudyEventOID | study_event_definition.oc_oid | Systematically generated when a study event definition is created. Refer to section 2.4.1 | |
OrderNumber | study_event.sample_ordinal | The order the event definitions appear in the system. These values can be rearranged by certain users. | |
Mandatory | event_definition_crf.required_crf | If at least one CRF in the event definition is set to Required, the event itself becomes required. | |
StudyEventDef | |||
OID | study_event_definition.oc_oid | Systematically generated when a study event definition is created. Refer to section 2.4.1 | |
Name | | Initial Visit | |
Repeating | study_event_definition.repeating | Yes, No | |
Type | study_event_definition.type | Scheduled, Unscheduled, Common. The values conform to CDISC terms. | |
FormRef | |||
FormOID | crf_version.oc_oid | F_DEMOGRAPHICS_1 | |
Mandatory | event_defintion_crf.required_crf | Yes, No | |
FormDef | |||
OID | crf_version.oc_oid | F_DEMOGRAPHICS_1 | |
Name | + | CRF_NAME + VERSION | Demographics-Dynamics - 1 |
Repeating | No (generated automatically) | ||
ItemGroupRef | |||
ItemGroupOID | item_group.oc_oid | IG_DEMOG_UNGROUPED | |
Mandatory | Same as ItemRef – Mandatory | Yes, No | |
OpenClinica:FormDetails | |||
FormOID | crf_version.oc_oid | F_DEMOG_1 | |
ParentFormOID | | CRF_NAME | DEMOG |
VersionDescription | crf_version.description | VERSION_DESCRIPTION | This CRF version contains 2 additional items |
RevisionNotes | crf_version.revision_notes | REVISION_NOTES | I revised this CRF and created this new version. |
OpenClinica:SectionDetails | |||
OpenClinica:Section | |||
SectionLabel | section.label | SECTION_LABEL | |
SectionTitle | section.title | SECTION_TITLE | |
SectionSubtitle | section.subtitle | SUBTITLE | |
SectionInstructions | section.instructions | INSTRUCTIONS | |
SectionPageNumber | section.page_number_label | PAGE_NUMBER | |
OpenClinica:PresentInEventDefinition | |||
StudyEventOID | study_event_definition.oc_oid | Systematically generated when a study event definition is created. Refer to section 2.4.1 | |
IsDefaultVersion | event_definition_crf.default_version_id | True, False | |
PasswordRequired | event_definition_crf.electronic_signature | True, False | |
DoubleDataEntry | event_definition_crf.double_entry | True, False | |
HideCRF | event_definition_crf.hide_crf | True, False | |
SourceDataVerification | event_definition_crf.source_data_verification | 100% Required, Partial Required, Not Required, Not Applicable | |
ItemGroupDef | |||
OID | item_group.oc_oid | IG_DEMOG_UNGROUPED | |
Name | | GROUP_LABEL | Ungrouped (if the items are ungrouped) |
Repeating | item_group_metadata.repeating_group | GROUP_LAYOUT | Yes, No |
Comment | item_group_metadata.header | GROUP_HEADER | |
SASDatasetName | UNGRO044 (generated automatically; take the, switch to all caps, and truncate to eight characters, adding integers and alpha characters to the end to make unique) | ||
ItemRef | |||
ItemOID | item.oc_oid | I_THAP_BLOODPRODTYP | |
OrderNumber | item_form_metadata.ordinal | 1, 2, 3, etc. | |
Mandatory | item_form_metadata.required | REQUIRED | Yes, No |
OpenClinicaItemGroupDetails | |||
ItemGroupOID | item_group.oc_oid | IG_DEMOG_UNGROUPED | |
OpenClinica:PresentInForm | |||
FormOID | crf_version.oc_oid | ||
ShowGroup | item_group_metadata.show_group | GROUP_DISPLAY_STATUS | HIDE, SHOW |
OpenClinica:ItemGroupRepeat | |||
RepeatNumber | item_group_metadata.repeat_number | GROUP_REPEAT_NUMBER | |
RepeatMax | item_group_metadata.repeat_max | GROUP_REPEAT_MAX | |
ItemDef | |||
OID | item.oc_oid | I_THAP_BLOODPRODTYP | |
Name | | ITEM_NAME | BloodProdTyp |
DataType | | DATA_TYPES | Text, float, integer, etc. |
Length | item_form_metadata.width_decimal | WIDTH_DECIMAL* | (For ODM ‘float’ data types, the length is based on the ‘width’ parameter specified in the WIDTH_DECIMAL field in the spreadsheet (if it is provided). For other data types, length is calculated based on the maximum length of all the values for the item.) |
SignificantDigits | item_form_metadata.width_decimal | WIDTH_DECIMAL* | (For ODM ‘float’ data types, the SignificantDigits is based on the ‘decimal’ parameter specified in the WIDTH_DECIMAL field in the spreadsheet. For other data types, SignificantDigits is not used.) |
SASFieldName | Blood301 (again, generated from the, but truncated to eight characters with an integer at the end to enforce uniqueness) | ||
Comment | item.description | DESCRIPTION_LABEL | |
OpenClinica:FormOIDs | crf_version.oc_oid | F_THAP_V10 (comma-separated list of CRF version OIDs where the item is found) | |
Question | |||
OpenClinica:QuestionNumber | item_form_metadata.question_number | QUESTION_NUMBER | |
TranslatedText | item_form_metadata.header + item_form_metadata.left_item_text + item_form_metadata.right_item_text | LEFT_ITEM_TEXT RIGHT_ITEM_TEXT HEADER SUB_HEADER | “Amount of blood product (ml)” |
MeasurementUnitRef | |||
MeasurementUnitOID | measurement_unit.oc_oid | Systematically generated when a CRF Version is uploaded containing an item with a value in the UNITS cell. | |
CodeListRef | |||
CodeListOID | response_set.response_set_id | CL_233 (OID generated automatically by adding the prefix ‘CL_’ to the primary key) | |
RangeCheck | |||
Comparator | item_form_metadata.regexp (if "func:") | VALIDATION | LE, GE, EQ, etc. |
SoftHard | Soft, Hard (based on study parameter values governing discrepancy note generation) | ||
CheckValue | Item_form_metadata – the value in the function. For example, “95” if the check is for greater than 95, | VALIDATION | 100 |
ErrorMessage | |||
TranslatedText | item_form_metadata.regexp_error_msg (if "func:") | VALIDATION_ERROR_MESSAGE | Please specify a value between 0 and 100 |
OpenClinica:ItemDetails | |||
ItemOID | item.oc_oid | Systematically generated when a CRF Version is uploaded to OpenClinica | |
OpenClinica:PresentInForm | |||
FormOID | crf_version.oc_oid | ||
ParentItemOID | item.oc_oid | ||
ColumnNumber | item_form_metadata.column_number | COLUMN_NUMBER | 1, 2, 3 etc. |
PageNumber | item_form_metadata.page_number | PAGE_NUMBER | 1, 2, 3 etc. |
PHI | item.phi_status | PHI | 1, 0 |
ShowItem | item_form_metadata.show_item | ITEM_DISPLAY_STATUS | SHOW, HIDE |
OrderInForm | item_form_metadata.ordinal | The items order shown in UI from view crf page. | |
OpenClinica:LeftItemText | item_form_metadata.left_item_text | LEFT_ITEM_TEXT | Height |
OpenClinica:RightItemText | item_form_metadata.right_item_text | RIGHT_ITEM_TEXT | Height |
OpenClinica:ItemHeader | item_form_metadata.header | HEADER | This field captures Height |
OpenClinica:ItemSubHeader | item_form_metadata.subheader | SUB_HEADER | Please provide the Height in inches. |
OpenClinica:SectionLabel | section.label | SECTION_LABEL | |
OpenClinica:ItemResponse | | RESPONSE_TYPE | |
CodeList | |||
OID | response_set.response_set_id | CL_233 (OID generated automatically by adding the prefix ‘CL_’ to the primary key) | |
Name | response_set.label | RESPONSE_LABEL | yn |
DataType | | DATA_TYPES | Text, float, integer, etc. |
SASFormatName | $YN54X (generated, with Name in all caps with a ‘$ and an extra suffix to be unique) | ||
CodeListItem | |||
CodedValue | response_set.options_values | REPONSE_VALUES_OR_CALCULATIONS | 1, 2, 3, etc. |
Decode | |||
TranslatedText | response_set.options_text | RESPONSE_OPTIONS_TEXT | Yes, No, etc. |
OpenClinica:MultiSelectList | |||
OpenClinica:ID | response_set.response_set_id | MSL_54 (generate an OID on the fly by adding the prefix ‘MSL_’ to the iprimary key) | |
OpenClinica:Name | response_set.label | RESPONSE_LABEL | OptionsList |
OpenClinica:DataType | | text, (the DataType value is always ‘text’) | |
OpenClinica:ActualDataType | | DATA_TYPE | text, float, integer |
OpenClinica:MultiSelectListItem | |||
OpenClinica:CodedOptionValue | response_set.options_values | RESPONSE_VALUES_OR_CALCULATIONS | 1, 2, 3, etc. |
OpenClinica:StudyGroupClassList | |||
OpenClinica:ID | study_group_class.study_group_class_id | SGC_1 (‘SGC_’ prefix automatically appended) | |
OpenClinica:Name | | Age Classification | |
OpenClinica:Status | | Available | |
OpenClinica:Type | | Arm, Demographic, etc. | |
OpenClinica:SubjectAssignment | study_group_class.subject_assignment | Optional | |
OpenClinica:StudyGroupItem | |||
OpenClinica:Name | | Young Adult | |
OpenClinica:Description | study_group.description | 12-18 | |
OpenClinica:StudyDetails | |||
StudyOID | study.oc_oid | ||
SiteName | | Present only when extracting site level ODM. | |
ParentStudyName | | Gives the name of study which this site is part of. Tag is present only when the ODM is retrieved at site level. | |
OpenClinica:StudyDescriptionStatus | |||
OfficialTitle | study.official_title | ||
SecondaryIDs | study.secondary_identifier | ||
DateCreated | study.date_created | 2011-01-01 | |
StartDate | study.date_planned_start | 2011-01-01 | |
StudyCompletionDate | study.date_planned_end | 2011-12-31 | |
OpenClinica:StudySystemStatus | study.status_id | Available, Pending, Locked, Frozen | |
OpenClinica:PrincipalInvestigator | study.principal_investigator | John Smith | |
OpenClinica:DetailedDescription | study.protocol_description | This is a demonstration study. | |
OpenClinica:Sponsor | study.sponsor | Drug Company A | |
OpenClinica:Collaborators | study.collaborators | This can be a list of different organizations | |
OpenClinica:StudyPhase | study.phase | N/A, Phase I, Phase I/Phase II, Phase II, Phase II/Phase III, Phase III, Phase III/Phase IV, Phase IV | |
OpenClinica:ProtocolType | study.protocol_type | Interventional, Observational | |
OpenClinica:ProtocolVerificationDate | study.protocol_date_verification | 2011-01-01 | |
OpenClinica:Purpose | study.purpose | Treatment, Prevention, Diagnosis, Supportive Care, Screening, Health Services Research, Basic Science, Other | |
OpenClinica:Allocation | study.allocation | Randomized Clinical Trial, Non-Randomized Clinical Trial, N/A | |
OpenClinica:Masking | study.masking | Open, Single Blind, Double Blind | |
OpenClinica:Control | study.control | ||
OpenClinica:InverventionModel | study.interventions | ||
OpenClinica:ConditionsAndEligibility | study.eligibility | ||
OpenClinica:Conditions | study.conditions | ||
OpenClinica:Keywords | study.keywords | ||
OpenClinica:EligibilityCriteria | |||
OpenClinica:Sex | study.gender | ||
OpenClinica:Age | |||
MinimumAge | study.age_min | ||
MaximumAge | study.age_max | ||
OpenClinica:HealthyVolunteersAccepted | study.healthy_volunteers | ||
OpenClinica:ExpectedTotalEnrollment | study.expected_total_enrollment | ||
OpenClinica:FaciltyInformation | |||
OpenClinica:FacilityName | study.facility_name | ||
OpenClinica:FacilityCity | study.facility_city | ||
OpenClinica:FacilityState | study.facility_state | ||
OpenClinica:PostalCode | study.facility_zip | ||
OpenClinica:FacilityCountry | study.facility_country | ||
OpenClinica:FacilityContactName | study.facility_contact_name | ||
OpenClinica:FacilityContactPhone | study.facility_contact_phone | ||
OpenClinica:FacilityContactEmail | study.facility_contact_email | ||
OpenClinica:RelatedInformation | |||
OpenClinica:MEDLINEIdentifier | study.medline_identifier | ||
OpenClinica:ResultsReference | study.results_reference | ||
OpenClinica:URLReference | study.url | ||
OpenClinica:URLDescription | study.url_description | ||
OpenClinica:StudyParameterConfiguration | |||
OpenClinica:StudyParameterListRef | |||
StudyParameterListID | | ||
Value | study_parameter_value.value | ||
OpenClincia:StudyParameterListItem | |||
CodedParameterValue | | ||
RuleImport | Rules are a separate vendor extensions from the OpenClinica: namespace. | ||
RuleAssignment | |||
RuleRef | |||
OID | rule.oc_oid | ||
ShowAction | rule_action.action_type | ||
ifExpressionEvaluates | rule_action.expression_evaluates_to | ||
HideAction | rule_action.action_type | ||
ifExpressionEvaluates | rule_action.expression_evaluates_to | ||
EmailAction | rule_action.action_type | ||
ifExpressionEvaluates | rule_action.expression_evaluates_to | TRUE or FALSE | |
DiscrepancyNoteAction | rule_action.action_type | ||
ifExpressionEvaluates | rule_action.expression_evaluates_to | TRUE or FALSE | |
InsertAction | rule_action.action_type | ||
ifExpressionEvaluates | rule_action.expression_evaluates_to | TRUE or FALSE | |
Run | |||
AdministrativeEditing | rule_action.administrative_data_entry | TRUE or FALSE | |
InitialDataEntry | rule_action.initial_data_entry | TRUE or FALSE | |
DoubleDataEntry | rule_action.double_data_entry | TRUE or FALSE | |
Batch | rule_action.batch | TRUE or FALSE | |
Message | rule_action.message | The values do not match, please verify the data provided. | |
DestinationProperty | |||
OID | rule_action_property.oc_oid | This will be an OID. If the item is part of the same group, then the user should | |
RuleDef | |||
OID | rule.oc_oid | All capital letters or integers. This is user defined | |
Name | | ||
Description | rule.description | Describe the rule to put it into a context you will recognize. | |
Expression | rule_expression.value | The expression is used to validate data values to then decide if an action should be taken. | |
User | |||
OID | Generated automatically by taking the value in user_account.user_id and appending USR_ to the front | ||
FullName | user.user_name | jsmith | |
ListName | user.first_name | John | |
LastName | user.last_name | Smith | |
Organization | user.institutional_affiliation | Enterprise Organization | |
ClinicalData | |||
StudyOID | study.oc_oid | S_DEMO123 | |
MetaDataVersionOID | dataset.odm_metadataversion_oid | v1.0.0 | |
SubjectData | |||
SubjectKey | study_subject.oc_oid | SS_101 | |
OpenClinica:StudySubjectId | study_subject.label | 101 | |
OpenClinica:UniqueIdentifier | subject.unique_identifier | 101 | |
OpenClinica:Status | | available | |
OpenClinica:SecondaryId | study_subject.secondary_label | ||
OpenClinica:YearOfBirth | subject.date_of_birth | 2001 (depends on the study parameters; if study does not require date of birth or records full date of birth, this is not included) | |
OpenClinica:DateOfBirth | subject.date_of_birth | 2001-01-01 (depends on the study parameters; if subject is year only or if date of dirth is not recorded, this is not included) | |
OpenClinica:Sex | subject.gender | m, f | |
StudyEventData | |||
StudyEventOID | study_event_definition.oc_oid | SE_OBSERVAT | |
StudyEventRepeatKey | 1, 2, 3, etc. (optional, not included if not repeating) | ||
OpenClinica:StudyEventLocation | study_event.location | Boston, MA | |
OpenClinica:StartDate | study_event.date_start | 2010-10-10 | |
OpenClinica:EndDate | OpenClinica:EndDate | study_event.date_end | 2010-12-31 (optional, not included if left blank) |
OpenClinica:Status | | signed, available, etc. | |
OpenClinica:SubjectAgeAtEvent | 13 (calculated automatically | ||
FormData | |||
FormOID | crf_version.oc_oid | ||
OpenClinica:Version | | ||
OpenClinica:InterviewerName | event_crf.interviewer_name | ||
OpenClinica:InterviewDate | event_crf.date_interviewed | ||
OpenClinica:Status | | ||
ItemGroupData | |||
ItemGroupOID | |||
TransactionType | |||
ItemGroupRepeatKey | |||
ItemData | |||
ItemOID | item.oc_oid | I_GROU_TC_ADV_PRIMARY_03 | |
Value | item_data.value | Yes (only generated if the item is null) | |
IsNull | (only generated if the item is null) | ||
OpenClinica:ReasonForNull | item_data.value | ||
OpenClinica:AuditLogs | |||
ID | System generated ID taken from the audit_log_event.audit_id and appending AL_ to the beginning | ||
UserID | References the value for User OID | ||
DateTimeStamp | audit_log_event.audit_date | 1000-11-16T10:15:37 | |
AuditType | | The audit log type | |
OldValue | audit_log_event.old_value | ||
NewValue | value | ||
OpenClinica:DiscrepancyNotes | |||
EntityID | Item OID, Event OID, Study Subject OID | ||
OpenClinica:DiscrepancyNote | |||
ID | System generated by appending DN_ to the value from discrepancy_note.discrepancy_note_id | ||
Status | New, Updated, Resolution Proposed, Closed, Not Applicable | ||
NoteType | Query, Failed Validation Check, Reason for Change, Annotation | ||
DateUpdated | |||
NumberOfChildren | Adds up the number of child notes that exist in the thread. | ||
OpenClinica:ChildNote | |||
Status | New, Updated, Resolution Proposed, Closed, Not Applicable | ||
DateCreated | |||
OpenClinica:Description | Value outside of range | ||
OpenClinica:DetailedNote | This value was outside of the range that is accepted. Please follow up with this subject and see if they should be enrolled or not. | ||
UserRef | |||
UserOID | |||
OpenClinica:SubjectGroupData | |||
OpenClinica:StudyGroupClassID | SGC_1 | ||
OpenClinica:StudyGroupClassName | Age Classification | ||
OpenClinica:StudyGroupName | Young Adult | ||
OpenClinica:OpenQueries |