OpenClinica 3.11 contains a variety of enhancements and fixes to both OpenClinica and OpenClinica Participate. View the entire 3.11 changelog here (login required).
A summary of highlights include:
- Support for SAS extract format (OC-6962)
- Ability to set the default CRF version at the Site Level for participate forms (OC-7029)
- Option to view the access code after connecting a participant (OC-7118)
Changes & Fixes:
- Fixes to CRF version migration feature:
- Show/HideAction rules were not behaving properly after CRF version migration (OC-5918)
- Hidden required fields prevent the CRF from being marked compete after CRF version migration (OC-3465)
- OC does not record the correct user for CRF version migration in the audit log (OC-6711)
- No properties for new items after CRF version migration (OC-7119)
- 404 error message while exporting Notes & discrepancies (OC-6433)
- Fixed the Data Mart xslt to make it compatible with PostgreSQL 9.5 (OC-7161)
- Rule designer opens the wrong rule from the view rule page (OC-6840)
- Removing (Pausing) an export job results in the job still running at the scheduled time (OC-6879)
- Opening a participant form in data entry mode no longer makes it invalid for data entry by Participant (OC-7137)
- Removed the sort link from the manage event definition page (OC-7100)
Other Links
- Download ( login required to download)
- OpenClinica Reference Guide
- Installation guides