To use OpenClinica Web Services, they must first be installed. Follow the instructions in the installation guide in your OpenClinica download, or contact your OpenClinica Enterprise support representative.
The OpenClinica Web Services module is deployed on Apache Tomcat as a separate “war” (web application archive) from the main OpenClinica application. A typical OpenClinica Web Services installation is as follows: the 2 directories (“OpenClinica” for 3.1.x-web and “OpenClinica-ws” for 3.1.x-ws) are present in the tomcat/webapps with the same db connection parameters (db=openclinica and clinica user).
In this configuration, you can access the usual web interface through, and access the web services by SOAP requests using When you verify (as it is explained in the documentation) your -ws installation by loading in your browser, it is only for confirming the application is deployed and can connect to the database. It will return a login page with an empty rss feed, but you cannot access the web application through this login page.
You can then begin to work on SOAP requests, authenticating with the login and the password of a user with the option “Authorize SOAP web services in this account” ticked.
All date values in OpenClinica Web Services should use the (ISO 8601) YYYY-MM-DD format.
OpenClinica SOAP Web Services Security
OpenClinica Web services use the same security infrastructure as the OpenClinica web application. A valid username and password are required, and the roles/permissions for that account will apply. Passwords should not be added in plain-text, they must be hashed using SHA-1 before being
To authenticate with OpenClinica SOAP Web services:
- Make sure the user account is authorized to use web services (this authorization is granted in User Account setup).
- Hash the password using the SHA-1 algorithm (google for a ‘SHA-1 hash generator’ if you don’t know what this is).
- Modify the “<soapenv:Header/>” line in the SOAP XML request with the following. Provide the user name in clear text and the hashed password string in the appropriate fields.
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1"
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-27777511"
Spring XwsSecurityInterceptor is used to secure OpenClinica Web Services. For more information on Spring XwsSecurity go to: