The OpenClinica Data Mart takes data that is extracted from OpenClinica, converts it to SQL, and inserts the resulting data into a database for reporting purposes. The data flows in the following manner:
- OpenClinica exports data in the CDISC ODM 1.3 with OpenClinica Extensions format.
- OpenClinica converts the data via an XML style sheet to SQL, and loads the data into the Data Mart.
- The data user accesses the data from the data warehouse using a business intelligence or SQL reporting tool. If these tools are based on a client computer, access to the data warehouse can be via Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
Data Mart System Diagram:
With the Postgres client pgAdmin, you can make a direct connection to the Postgres database containing the Data Mart. An alternative solution is to set up an ODBC connection to the database, for use with desktop business intelligence or SQL report writer tools.
If your organization has selected the Postgres database output option for the Data Mart, the system administrator from the OpenClinica, LLC client services team provides your system administrator with the information to set up the ODBC connections and the direct database connections from pgAdmin. Please see your system administrator for access to the database.