This Endpoint can be Called to Perform the Following Tasks:
- Add a participant to a given site.
- Update participant contact information like first name, last name, email address or phone number.
- Register the participant to access OpenClinica Participate dashboard.
- Participants can be registered for OpenClinica Participate ONLY when the Participate module is Active for the given study.
- Study-level participants can’t be added to Participate or have contact data entered for them.
- CRCs and Investigators cannot see Study-level participants, so it is best practice to always add participants to a site.
- Site-level Participants cannot be reassigned to the study-level (only reassigning to a site is possible).
- This endpoint can be called either when the study has the Participant ID Method set to “Manual Entry” or “System-generated”
Access Control:
- User roles authorized to call this endpoint and perform the specified operations:
- Data Managers
- Clinical Research Coordinators
- Investigators
- Site level roles can perform this operation only on their site’s participants.
- User roles NOT authorized to call this endpoint:
- Monitors (study level and site level)
- Viewers (study level and site level)
POST {customerName}/pages/auth/api/clinicaldata/studies/{studyOID}/sites/{siteOID}/participants (Site-level)
POST {customerName}/pages/auth/api/clinicaldata/studies/{studyOID}/participants (Study-level)
where {customerName} is your study URL. For example:
Sample cURL Request:
Request Parameters:
- register: Optional
- Whether or not to register the participant for OpenClinica Participate
- Possible values: y or n
- Default is n
Response Body on Success:
Response Body on Failure:
Below is the List of errorCodes with their Descriptions:
- errorCode.studyNotExist: The study OID specified in the request is not found.
- errorCode.studyNotAvailable: The study OID specified in the request is not in ‘Available’ status.
- errorCode.siteNotExist: The site OID specified in the request is not found.
- errorCode.siteNotAvailable: The site OID specified in the request is not in ‘Available’ status.
- errorCode.noRoleSetUp: The user has no role assigned for the given study/site.
- errorCode.noSufficientPrivileges: The user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.
- errorCode.participateNotEnabled: OpenClinica Participate module is not active for the given Study and therefore, the operation is NOT allowed.
- errorCode.participantIDContainsUnsupportedHTMLCharacter: The Participant ID contains unsupported HTML (<, >) characters.
- errorCode.participantIDLongerThan30Characters: The Participant ID exceeds the 30 character limit.
- errorCode.participantsEnrollmentCapReached: The pre-set Participant enrollment limit has reached. No new participants can be added to this study.
- errorCode.invalidPhoneNumber: The phone number in the specified request is invalid.
- errorCode.invalidEmailAddress: The email address in the specified request is invalid.
- errorCode.emailAddressTooLong: The email address in the specified request is too long.