
Welcome to the OpenClinica Documentation and Training Site. OpenClinica is a powerful platform for managing clinical trials. This site offers:

  • User documentation for OpenClinica (OC4 and OC3)
  • Self-paced training. If you’ve been registered for any of our online training courses, you’ll also see options to access training on the left side menu (login required).
  • Release documentation. Access product release notes for our most current version as well as past releases.
  • Validation and Quality System documentation, including IQ/OQ/PQ artifacts and SOPs (login required).

Not sure about whether you are using OpenClinica 3 or 4? If the domain name you use to log into your OpenClinica system ends in “openclinica.io” then you are using OpenClinica 4. If your domain name is something else, then you are using OpenClinica 3.

Our goal is to provide you with access to countless topics of interest for OpenClinica users. You can comfortably navigate the site based on the category and subcategory cascading topics via the menu on the left. Whether you’re building a study or if you’re an end user, this site will prove beneficial!

The OpenClinica Team