OpenClinica Insight Release 1.1 (v0.1.14) (Release Date – 9 November, 2018)

OpenClinica Insight v0.1.14 contains a couple of defect fixes that were communicated as part of Insight release 1.

Highlights include: 


  • None

Changes & Fixes: 

  • Issue related to incorrect CRF version in various item group tables has been resolved. You should have the correct CRF version information in all item group tables (clinical data tables)
  • Issue with the SDV tables, where incorrect could were showing up for the common event forms that are SDVed or need to be SDVed, has been resolved

OpenClinica Insight Release 1 (v0.1.13) (Release Date – 25 October, 2018)

OpenClinica Insight Release 1 is our first production release of Insight for OpenClinica 4 studies.

Highlights include:


  • Deploy OpenClinica Insight reporting environment with connection to clinical data from OpenClinica 4 studies
  • Update database metadata to synchronize with OpenClinica 4 database (e.g. columns, names, constraints, references, etc.)
  • Update metabase data reference information to match OpenClinica 4 data
  • Allow Study’s Test and Prod together on the same Insight instance
  • Include/update SQL templates for OC4 source database preparation
  • Revise config format to not require manually duplicated / edited config info

Open Issues:

  • CRF Version in the data tables is incorrect when there are more than one active versions for a given CRF
  • SDV cmpletion count is incorrect for the common event CRFs
  • Completed timestamp in Event CRF table is not populated sometimes
  • Event CRF display order is not populated in Event CRF table