You can download a sample XML file on the Import CRF Data screen or here.

Below are some general rules when building the import XML file: 

The Import file must contain the following namespaces:


    • <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

    • <ODM xmlns=”″ xmlns:OpenClinica=”″ ODMVersion=”1.3″>

In addition to the above, FileOID, FileType, Description, and CreationDateTime information can also be provided within the <ODM> tag. This information is not used by the OpenClinica system. However, you can use these properties for internal documentation.


  • The Import file should only contain one <ClinicalData> tag pair. Though the Import file will not generate an error if it contains multiple <ClinicalData> tag pairs, the system only processes the data in the first <ClinicalData> tag pair and ignores the others. 

  • The Import file can contain data for multiple subjects as long as they are all between the opening and closing tags of the first <ClinicalData> tag. To allow for multiple subjects, copy everything between the opening and closing tags of <SubjectData>, including the tags, and the paste it after the closing tag of </SubjectData>. Then update the OIDs and data in the new section.

  • The Import file can contain multiple <StudyEventData>, <FormData>, <ItemGroupData> and <ItemData> tags as long as their hierarchy is maintained. Copy and paste these sections as needed to import multiple events, forms, item groups, and items.

  • When a repeating, visit-based event definition contains multiple forms, then all the forms of that event repeat/ordinal can be combined within the same <StudyEventData> tag with one repeat/ordinal value.

    • For every new study event repeat/ordinal for a participant, the <StudyEventData> tag construct needs to be repeated within that participant’s <SubjectData> tags.

    • When a repeat ordinal is not provided for a repeating study event, then the system automatically generates a new repeat/ordinal of that event for that participant.

  • When a common event definition contains multiple forms, then every form should be provided with its own <StudyEventData> tag and a new event/repeat ordinal. When an ordinal is not provided then system creates a new repeat for the given event.

  • Import is not allowed into a form when any of the following conditions are met:

    • Study / Site is in Design, Frozen, or Locked status

    • Study Event (or repeat thereof) is in Locked status, has been removed for the participant, or is no longer available in the study
    • Form is in Completed status, has been removed for the participant, or is no longer available in the study


Below is a sample CDISC ODM XML file structure for reference. To use this as a template, copy the text below and paste it into an XML file or download the file here.


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<ODM xmlns=”″ xmlns:OpenClinica=”″ ODMVersion=”1.3″ FileOID=”1D20080412202420″ FileType=”Snapshot” Description=”Demographics Import” CreationDateTime=”2008-04-12T20:24:20″ >


  <!– StudyOID represents either the Study OID (if a study-level user is importing data) or the Site OID (if a site-level user is importing data). –>

  <ClinicalData StudyOID=”S_OID” MetaDataVersionOID=”null”>

    <!–SubjectKey (optional) is the Participant OID. If not used, remove the entire text ‘SubjectKey=”SS_OID”‘. 

        OpenClinica:StudySubjectID (required) represents the Participant ID. –>

    <SubjectData SubjectKey=”SS_OID” OpenClinica:StudySubjectID=”PID-001″>

<!–StudyEventOID (required): The OID for the event into which you are importing data.

           StudyEventRepeatKey (optional): The ordinal for a repeating event. 

  If removed, a new study event ordinal is automatically generated.

  For a visit-based event OpenClinica:StartDate is required.

  If the StudyEventRepeatKey value is provided and the specified repeat is already in the database,

            then the system updates the form data for that study event repeat on import.

  OpenClinica:EndDate (optional): If the event has a scheduled end date, you can provide that here. Otherwise, delete it or leave it same as start date.–>

<StudyEventData StudyEventOID=”SE_OID” OpenClinica:StartDate=”2017-09-29″ OpenClinica:EndDate=”2017-09-29″ StudyEventRepeatKey=”1″>

  <!–FormOID (required): The OID for the form into which you are importing data.

        OpenClinica:FormLayoutOID (optional): If no value is provided then the system assigns the default form version to the participant event form.

OpenClinica:Status (optional): Possible values for OpenClinica:Status are: ‘initial data entry’ or ‘complete’.

                  If no value is provided, then the system assigns the status ‘initial data entry’ to the participant event form on import. –> 

    <FormData FormOID=”F_OID” OpenClinica:FormLayoutOID=”1.1″ OpenClinica:Status=”initial data entry”>

        <!–ItemGroupOID (required): The OID for the item group into which you are importing data.

      ItemGroupRepeatKey (optional): If not provided, a new repeat key is auto-generated on import.

                     If a value is provided and the provided repeat key already exists in the database, 

                         then the associated item data is updated in that item group repeat upon import. –>

  <ItemGroupData ItemGroupOID=”IG_OID” ItemGroupRepeatKey=”1″>

<!–ItemOID and Value (required): The OID of the item into which you are importing data and the data value to be imported into that item.

                           Any issues with the value of the item will be reported in the log file with an appropriate errorCode. –>

<ItemData ItemOID=”I_OID” Value=”2017-09-13″/>

<ItemData ItemOID=”I_OID” Value=”1″/>

<ItemData ItemOID=”I_OID” Value=”Headache”/>




<!–To import data for more than one Study event, repeat the StudyEventData tag and everything within the opening and closing tags.

    For a visit-based event with multiple forms, all forms belonging to one repeat of that event should be combined under the same StudyEventData tag.

    For commom events, each FORM should be provided with a SEPARATE pair of StudyEventData tags.–>


     <!– To import data for more than one Subject, copy and paste the opening and closing SubjectData tags, and everything between those tags. Then update OIDs and values as needed.–>




The XML file can also be generated using an existing Participant’s casebook. For example, if data for one of the Participants has already been captured in a Form, and now the data needs to be entered into forms for other Participants, the user can follow the steps below to quickly generate the XML file to import the clinical data into other participants:


  1. Go the Participant Details screen for the Participant with the data that was captured.

  2. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Download data link.

  3. Select the CDISC XML format of your choice, and uncheck all the checkboxes

  4. Click Run now.

  5. Once the import process is complete, save the casebook as an XML file in your local directory.

  6. Open the file in a Notepad application.

  7. Change the Participant ID and OID values, along with the values of the items for other Participant. If data for multiple Participants needs to be captured, then copy and paste everything between the opening and closing brackets of <SubjectData> tag, and edit the Participant ID, OID, and item values for the other Participant.

  8. Save the file, and call Import API using this file.

Please refer to the sections below for details about each data tag in the CDISC ODM XML:



Subject Data Tag


The SubjectData tag contains information about the participant for which the given clinical data are provided.

Usage:  <SubjectData SubjectKey=”SS_OID” OpenClinica:StudySubjectID=”PID” OpenClinica:Status=”Available”>

This tag has the following properties:


  • SubjectKey represents the unique identifier (Participant OID) of the participant whose data is being imported in the given study.

    • Participant OID is a system-generated ID that does not change once assigned to a participant.

  • SubjectKey is conditionally required. Either SubjectKey or OpenClinica:StudySubjectID must be provided. 

  • When SubjectKey and OpenClinica:StudySubjectID are both provided, the values for both must represent the same participant. If they do not, an appropriate error code is returned in the import log file.

  • If you are not providing a SubjectKey, remove the SubjectKey=”SS_OID” portion of this line of code.


  • OpenClinica:StudySubjectID represents the ID of the participant (PID) whose data you’re importing into the given study. 

    • PID can be either automatically generated by the system when the participant is added to the study, or a manually created at that time. This ID can be changed by the site users or the data manager during the study.

  • This property is conditionally required. Either this key or the SubjectKey property must be provided. 

  • When SubjectKey and OpenClinica:StudySubjectID are both provided, the values for both must represent the same participant. If they do not, an appropriate error code is returned in the import logfile.

  • If you are not providing OpenClinica:StudySubjectID, remove the OpenClinica:StudySubjectID=”PID” portion of this line of code. 


  • This property represents the status of the participant whose data is being imported into the given study.

  • The value for this property is not used, but does no harm if left in the code.

Below is the list of all the error codes and their descriptions. You can also review the error code process in the SubjectData tag workflow.

  • errorCode.missingParticipantID: Neither SubjectKey nor OpenClinica:StudySubjectID property is present.

  • errorCode.participantNotFound: No participant is found in the given study for the given SubjectKey or OpenClinica:StudySubjectID value(s).

  • errorCode.participantIdentiferMismatch: SubjectKey and OpenClinica:StudySubjectID both have values but the values represent two different participants in the given study.

  • errorCode.participantNotAvailable: The participant has a ‘Removed’ status in the given study



Study Event Data Tag


The StudyEventData tag contains information about the event for which the given clinical data are provided.

Usage:  <StudyEventData StudyEventOID=”SE_EVENT1″ OpenClinica:EventName=”Event1 name” StudyEventRepeatKey=”1″ OpenClinica:StartDate=”2019-06-14″ OpenClinica:EndDate=”2019-06-14″ OpenClinica:Status=”Available”>

This tag has the following properties:

  • StudyEventOID (Required)

  • OpenClinica:EventName (IGNORED)

  • StudyEventRepeatKey (Conditionally required)

  • OpenClinica:StartDate (Conditionally required)

  • OpenClinica:EndDate (OPTIONAL)

  • OpenClinica:Status (IGNORED)


  • StudyEventOID is REQUIRED and represents the unique identifier (OID) of the event into which the data are to be imported.

  • When StudyEventOID is missing, or no matching event is found for the given StudyEventOID, then the system returns an appropriate error code in the import log file and data for this event is not imported.


  • OpenClinica:EventName represents the name of the event.

  • Value for OpenClinica:EventName is not used, but does no harm if left in the code.


  • StudyEventRepeatKey is conditionally required.

  • StudyEventRepeatKey represents the repeat key/ordinal for a particular study event for a participant.

  • For a repeating event:

    • When the given data needs to be updated for a particular study event repeat/ordinal then this property is required with a valid repeat/ordinal number. 

    • When this property is missing then the system automatically generates a new repeat/ordinal for the repeating event. For a visit-based event, OpenClinica:StartDate is required. If it is missing then an appropriate error code is returned in the log file

  • For a non-repeating event:

    • StudyEventRepeatKey is not used. The system inserts or updates the data in the non-repeat event.

  • If repeat key is provided and the system finds issues with the value, an appropriate error code is returned in the import log file and no data are imported for that study event.


  • OpenClinica:StartDate represents the start date of a visit-based event.

  • The value of this property must be in ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ format (e.g., 2019-01-31).

  • For visit-based events:

    • When StartDate is provided and a repeat key is not provided, the system automatically creates a new repeat using the provided StartDate value.

    • If NEITHER a StartDate NOR a repeat key is provided, then an appropriate error is returned and data is not imported for that event.

    • When StartDate is provided with a repeat key/ordinal value of an existing event repeat, the value of this property is not used and has no impact on the study event or import functionality.

  • For common events:

    • OpenClinica:StartDate is not used, but does no harm when left in the code.


  • This property represents the end date of a visit-based event.

  • The value of this property must be in ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ format (e.g., 2019-01-31).

  • Visit-based events:

    • When the system is expected to automatically generate a new visit based event repeat/ordinal and StartDate is provided then the OpenClinica:EndDate value is set as the end date of the newly generated visit-based event repeat.

    • This property is optional and when not provided has no impact on the import functionality.

    • When EndDate is provided with a repeat key/ordinal value of an existing event repeat, the value of this property is not used and has no impact on the study event or import functionality. 

  • Common events:

    • End date is not used and has no impact on the import functionality for common events.


  • This property represents the status of a study event.

  • The value for this property is not used during the import process and has no impact on the import functionality.

If there are any errors during the import process with the value(s) provided for any of the required or conditionally required properties in the StudyEventData tag, the systen returns an appropriate error code in the import log file and data are not imported for that participant. 

Below is the list of all the error codes and their descriptions. You can also review the error code process in the StudyEventData tag workflow.


  • errorCode.missingStudyEventOID: studyEventOID is not present in the StudyEventData tag.

  • errorCode.invalidStudyEventOID: The given study event OID does not represent a valid study event OID.

  • errorCode.invalidRepeatKey: The given study event repeat key value is not a valid integer.

  • errorCode.eventNotScheduled.repeatKeyTooLarge: The event repeat is provided which needs to be scheduled, but the given repeat key is larger than the next available repeat that should be scheduled.

  • errorCode.eventNotScheduled.missingStartDate: The system is unable to schedule the visit-based event (or repeat thereof) due to a missing start date.

  • errorCode.eventNotScheduled.invalidStartDate: The system is unable to schedule the visit-based event (or repeat thereof) because the given start date value not valid or not in valid format.

  • errorCode.eventNotScheduled.invalidEndDate: The system is unable to schedule the visit-based event (or repeat thereof) because the given end date value not valid or not in valid format.

  • errorCode.repeatKeyAndFormMismatch: The repeat key is present for a common event, but the form that’s provided with the given repeat key does not represent an existing pair in the system for the given participant.

  • errorCode.eventNotAvailable: The study event or study event repeat provided is in a status that does not allow any further data entry. (e.g. locked, skipped, or stopped).



Form Data Tag


The FormData tag contains information about the event form (e.g. eCRF) for which the given clinical data are provided.

Usage:  <FormData FormOID=”F_ECRF1″ OpenClinica:FormName=”Event Form1″ OpenClinica:FormLayoutOID=”v1.0″ OpenClinica:Status=”initial data entry”>

This tag has the following properties:

  • FormOID (Required)

  • OpenClinica:FormName (IGNORED)

  • OpenClinica:FormLayoutOID (Conditionally required) — Default form version is assigned to the event form when OpenClinica:FormLayoutOID is not provided.

  • OpenClinica:Status (OPTIONAL) — The form status is set to ‘initial data entry’ after data import when OpenClinica:Status is not provided.


  • FormOID is REQUIRED and it represents the unique identifier (OID) of the event form in which the data are to be imported.

  • When FormOID is missing or there is no matching form found, the system returns an appropriate error code in the log file and data are not imported into the referenced form.


  • OpenClinica:FormName represents the name of the event form.

  • Value for this property is not used, but no there is no harm if it is left in the code.


  • OpenClinica:FormLayoutOID is optional.

  • OpenClinica:FormLayoutOID represents the form version that gets assigned to the form after importing the data.

  • If OpenClinica:FormLayoutOID is not provided, the system assigns the default form version for the given participant.

  • If the given value is not valid, or no matching version exists for the given form, an appropriate error code is returned in the log file and data are not imported into the referenced form.


  • OpenClinica:Status represents the status of the form after the data has been imported successfully.

  • Possible values for this property are: ‘initial data entry’ and ‘complete’. If any other value is provided, the system will return an appropriate error code in the import log file and data are not imported into the referenced form.

  • If no value is provided, then after successful import of the data, the form status is set as ‘initial data entry’.

  • If there are any errors when importing any of the item data values for the form, the form status is set as ‘initial data entry’; even if the provided status is ‘complete’.

During import, if the system finds any issues with the value(s) provided for any of the required or conditionally required properties, an appropriate error code is returned in the log file and data are not imported for that participant. 

Below is the list of all the error codes and their descriptions. You can also review the error code process in the FormData tag workflow.


  • errorCode.missingFormOID: The FormOID is not present in the FormData tag.

  • errorCode.formOIDNotFound: The FormOID supplied does not represent a valid form OID.

  • errorCode.formLayoutOIDNotFound: The form version supplied does not represent a valid form version.

  • errorCode.formLayoutOIDNotAvailable: The form version supplied is not available for the site participant.

  • errorCode.formNotAvailable: The form is not available either because it has been removed for the participant or from the study altogether.

  • errorCode.formAlreadyComplete: The form is already in completed status for the participant.



Item Group Data Tag


The ItemGroupData tag contains information about the item group in the given form for which the clinical data are provided.

Usage:  <ItemGroupData ItemGroupOID=”IG_GROUP1″ OpenClinica:ItemGroupName=”Item Group1″ itemGroupRepeatKey=”1″>

This tag has the following properties:

  • ItemGroupOID (Required)

  • OpenClinica:ItemGroupName (IGNORED)

  • ItemGroupRepeatKey (Conditionally required) — When not provided, default form version is assigned.


  • ItemGroupOID is REQUIRED and it represents the unique identifier (OID) of the item group in the form for which data are to be imported.

  • When ItemGroupOID is missing or there is no matching item group found in the given form, the system returns an appropriate error code in the log file and data are not imported into the given item group.


  • OpenClinica:ItemGroupName represents the name of the item group.

  • The value for OpenClinica:ItemGroupName is not used, but does no harm if left in the code.


  • ItemGroupRepeatKey is optional.

  • ItemGroupRepeatKey represents the repeat key/ordinal of the repeating item group.

  • Repeating item group:

    • When ItemGroupRepeatKey is not provided for a repeating item group then a new repeat is automatically generated and data gets imported into that new item group repeat.

    • When a value is provided for ItemGroupRepeatKey and there is an existing repeat key with the same value, the system updates data in that item group repeat provided in the XML.

    • When a value is provided for this property but is invalid, an appropriate error code is returned in the import log file and data are not imported for the given item group repeat.

  • Non-repeating item group:

    • The ItemGroupRepeatKey is not expected for non-repeating groups. Even if it is provided, the system will ignore the property and data will be inserted/updated into the first “repeat” of the non-repeating item group.

During import, if system finds any errors with the values provided, appropriate error code is returned in the import log file and data are not imported for that participant. 

Below is the list of all the error codes and their descriptions. You can also review the error code process in the ItemGroupData tag workflow.


  • errorCode.missingItemGroupOID: The itemGroupOID is not present in the ItemGroupData tag.

  • errorCode.itemGroupOIDNotFound: The item group OID supplied does not represent a valid item group OID.

  • errorCode.itemGroup.invalidRepeatKey: The item group repeat provided is not found for the given form item group.



Item Data Tag


The ItemData tag contains information about the item for which the clinical data are provided.

Usage:  <ItemData ItemOID=”F_ECRF1″ OpenClinica:ItemName=”Event Form1″ Value=”item value”>

This tag has the following properties:

  • ItemOID (Required)

  • OpenClinica:ItemName (IGNORED)

  • Value (Required) — When not provided, the default form version is assigned.


  • This property is REQUIRED and represents the unique identifier (OID) of the item for which the data will be imported.

  • When this property is missing or no matching item is found, the system returns an appropriate error code and the data for this item is not imported.


  • This property represents the name of the form item.

  • The value for this property is not used during the import process and has no impact on the import functionality.


  • This property is REQUIRED.

  • This represents the value of the item to be imported.

  • The value must be consistent with the item data type. If any issues are found, the system returns an appropriate error code and data are not imported in that item.

  • The value must match the available response choices. If the given value is not found in the available response choices, the system returns an appropriate error code and data are not imported into that item.

  • When an item data type is based on a list of response choices, the value must be the coded value of that response choice (name).

  • The following list of item types are not supported as part of the import process and will be reported with an appropriate error code in the log file.

    • file

    • audio

    • video

    • image

    • note

During import, if the system discovers any issues with the value(s) provided, it will return appropriate error code in the import log file and data are not imported for that participant. 

Below is the list of all the error codes and their descriptions. You can also review the error code process in the ItemData tag workflow.

  • errorCode.missingItemOID: The itemOID is not present in the ItemData tag.

  • errorCode.itemNotFound: The given item OID does not represent a valid item OID.

  • errorCode.valueNotAvailable: The Value property is missing in the ItemData tag.

  • errorCode.dataTypeMismatch: The value provided for the item is inconsistent with the item’s data type.

  • errorCode.invalidDateFormat: The item data type is a date and the value provided is not a valid supported date format. Date must be provided in ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ format.

  • errorCode.valueTooLong: The item data type is text/string and the value provided is larger than 3999 characters.

  • errorCode.valueChoiceCodeNotFound:

    • The item data type is a select list of response choices defined within the XLS Form and the value provided does not represent a valid response choice. 

    • The item data type is a select list of response choices defined using a csv file in XLS Form. 

  • errorCode.itemTypeNotSupportedInImport: The item data type is not supported as part of XML import.