You can import data on the Upload CRF Data screen. To do so, you need a Data Text file and a mapping file.
To Make a Data Mapping File:
In an Excel file, create headings for item names, Item OID, Group OID, and Mapping Location.
In the item names column, enter a unique variable for each item.
In the Item OID column, enter each Item OID.
In the Group OID column, enter each Group OID.
In the Mapping Location column, enter the Excel Formula: =CONCAT(item name,=,GROUP_OID,.,ITEM_OID) with the values of item name, GROUP_OID, and ITEM_OID in the cells to the left.
You can download a sample Data Text file on the Upload CRF Data screen, or download it here.
Mapping File Requirements:
- The file name must be (Replace filename with the name of your file.)
- The file must have valid OIDs for the following:
- Study OID
- Event OID
- Form OID
- Form Version OID
- Item Group OID (for each group of items)
- Item OIDs (for each item)
- Each data column that is imported must be mapped to a valid Item Group OID and Item OID. The name of the data column must be the same in both the Data Mapping file and Data Text file.
- You can only include one form version in a Data Mapping file. To include another version in the import, you must create a new Data Mapping file and Data Text file. Each pair of files must be imported separately.
Skip/Match Criteria:
You can use Skip/Match Criteria to skip importing specific data in the Data Mapping file when the data in a Participant record matches the specified criteria.
You can use Form Item OIDs or Item Group OIDs as criteria.
The system compares the existing Participant records with the record in the file and does the following:
- If match criteria fields are missing from a record, that record is skipped, and an error message appears.
- If a match is found in a record, that record is skipped, and a message stating Skipped as per match criteria appears.
- If a match is not found in a record, a new event occurrence is created.
- For a repeating common event form, every record in a Participants file is inserted as a new event occurrence.
- For a non-repeating common event form, the system checks if there is an existing record of the form for the Participant. If so, the system skips all records. If not, the system inserts the first record as a new event occurrence and skips the rest.
Skip/Match Requirements:
- The file must include the variable, skipMatchCriteria.
- The skipMatchCriteria variable value must be a comma-separated list of Item Group OIDs and Item OIDs.
- The OIDs must be present in the OID section of the file and match those in the data column.
Note: For a common repeating event, if the criteria is based on Participant ID instead of item OIDs, no value is necessary in the skipMatchCriteria section of the data text file.
To Make a Data Text File:
In a text application, create a pipe-delimited file.
Create the heading Participant ID. This is the only required value for this file.
Enter Participant IDs, using the Participants OID from OpenClinica.
(Optional) Create columns for associated data, and enter the data for each Participant. These should match the item names created in the Data Mapping file.
You can download a sample Data Text file on the Upload CRF Data screen, or download it here.
Data Text File Requirements:
- Each file must have a column with the name ParticipantID. This column can be placed anywhere within the file.
- Data columns must be separated by pipe characters. Any spaces before or after item values are removed upon import, so the data entered in the system will not include spaces that are in the beginning or end of the file.
To Import Data on the Upload CRF Data screen:
Paste in the URL bar of your internet browser. (Replace customer with your customer domain).
Click the Browse button.
Select your Data Mapping file and Data Text file together by pressing the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac) and clicking on both files.
Click the Open button.
Click Submit.
To Download the Log File:
Complete the steps in the list above.
Paste in the URL bar of your internet browser. (Replace sitename with the name of your site)
Once the import is complete, click the Download button in the Actions column.
The Log File:
Is generated with the name datafilename_log.txt. (The system replace datafileneame with the name of your Data Text file.)
If a data file with the same name is used again, the existing log file from a previous upload is appended to the new log file.
Contains the following:
Row number – The row number of the record in the Data Text file
ParticipantID – The value of the Participant ID in the Data Text File
Status – The outcome of the import, indicated by the values, Success or Failed
For a failed import, displays an error code.
For a successful import, displays the values Insert or Skip.