There are two main areas in OpenClinica:

  • Study Runner: the part of the system where your studies are carried out
  • Study Build System: where studies are configured, then published to Study Runner

Study Runner:

All users can access Study Runner, but the home screen you will see depends on your user role, as does access to certain features. Features in Study Runner include:

  • The Home screen, which can be the Welcome screen, Participant Matrix, or Source Data Verification screen (depending on role)
  • The Participant Details screen
  • The Queries screen
  • The Study Audit Log
  • The Tasks menu and associated tasks
  • The User menu
  • Quick Access links to queries assigned to you and recently accessed Participant information

The Header Bar Displays:

  • Top Row (from left to right):
    1. The Study Name and Study ID
    2. If you are in the test environment it will display a banner to the right of the study id. This space will be empty in the production environment.
    3. The Change, Share, and Settings buttons. (Only users who are Data Managers and Administrators see the Design button.)
    4. Your user id and the downward arrow that will open your user menu, the contents of which depend on your specific role.
  • Second Row (from left to right):
    1. Participant ID Search/Lookup
    2. Links to menus and certain areas within Study Runner

Study Build System:

Only Data Managers and Administrators can access the Study Build System. This includes the following screens, which are presented in detail throughout this guide.