Getting started with OC’s Learning Management System!

Is there a cost associated with the LMS?

No! We believe in the value of educated system users and our role to help support that effort. Therefore, there is no charge for organizations to use the LMS, regardless of how many users may partake in courses. 

How do we request LMS training for our study personnel?

Any Supported User at your organization, can raise a ticket with Customer Support through the regular channels (phone, email, or via the portal). 

If you choose to submit via the Portal, please select the “I have a question” option and choose the “Request end user training/training report” option as shown below:

To keep the process easy, you’ll simply need to provide the following information:

  • First and Last Name of the individual
  • Their email address

We will create their username and automatically associate them with your organization so that they will be visible on your training report. Because the LMS is structured to allow access to all courses, you do not need to specify the role for the individual.

How will individuals be administered access?

After Customer Support processes your request, each individual will receive a registration email (to the email address you provided). That email provides their username and a link for them to establish their unique password. Once they complete that step, they are given access to a modified version* of the OpenClinica Documentation and Training Site where the courses are available. 

*For non-Supported users, the site has been modified to remove certain content and access to our issue tracker. 

What if study personnel say they didn’t receive a registration email?

Always have them check their spam folder first. In addition, you may need your IT organization to white list the OpenClinica registration email address (

If you’ve checked those and the registration email cannot be found, please have a Supported User from your organization raise a ticket with Customer Support. 

Where do they find the courses once they log in?

Once study personnel log into the OpenClinica Documentation and Training Site, they will see a menu on the left side of the landing page. They can click the caret next to Online Training Courses to expand the list and select the course that is most applicable to their role. 

Once they select their role-based course, they simply click on the “Take this Course” button (screenshot below) and they are enrolled! From there, they can read the learning objectives and step through the lessons and topics. We’ve also made the system flexible so it will save your progress as long as you’ve marked “complete” at the end of a lesson or topic. Allowing you to step away as needed and return later with our progress intact.

Important note: A user must enroll in a course in order to access the content. 

What is contained in My Courses?

Once a user enrolls in a course, it automatically stores it in their My Courses profile. Their profile will keep track of how many courses they have enrolled in and completed. Their profile also allows them to access, download and print previously earned certificates of completion. 

Where do users go to obtain a copy of their certificate if they need it again?

Under My Courses, users can scroll over to the far right next to the course they completed. They will see an icon that represents a document. Once they click on that document, a PDF of their certificate will appear.

If I’m a Supported User but I also would like to access courses, is that possible?

Certainly! If you have an existing Supported User account, simply raise a ticket with Customer Support and ask that your account be updated with access to the LMS. Once the ticket is processed and closed out, the next time you log-in, you’ll see the “online training courses” on the left menu. 

Can users skip content and just jump right to the quiz?

No. The courses were designed to ensure all content is completed. Users will receive a message such as the below to help direct them. 

How many questions are on the quiz and does it lock someone out if they fail more than a few times?

Each quiz consists of 10 questions unique for that role. In an effort to make the experience beneficial for the user, there is no retake limit on the quiz. Users will not be locked out even if they do not pass after multiple attempts. 

Can a user see what questions they answered incorrectly before they retake the quiz?

Yes! There is a “View Questions” button upon completion of the quiz that is available to them to see what questions they missed. 

Will the courses reference any customizations or study specific information?

The intent is to train the end user on the features and functionality of OC4. The end user training is not protocol specific nor will it address any customizations that may be applicable to your existing study configuration.

Do I have to retake a Lesson/Topic if I took the same one in another course? 

No. If a user takes more than 1 course, any Lessons/Topics that apply to multiple courses will appear as “completed” if they already completed it in a previous course. This will save the end user time and frustration associated with retaking the same content.

How do we request a training report and what does it contain?

Any Supported User at your organization can raise a ticket with Customer Support through the regular channels (phone, email, or via the portal). 

If you choose to submit via the Portal, please select the “I have a question” option and choose the “Request end user training/training report” option as shown below:

Simply specify that you are requesting the LMS Training report for your organization!

The report will be provided in PDF format to maintain the integrity of the data. The report contains the name of your organization, the date the report was generated, the list of users who have enrolled in a course, the course name, and if they completed the course it will also contain the date of completion, final quiz score, and number of attempts to pass the course. 

If a user has enrolled but not yet completed the course, their name and associated course will still appear on the report. If a user has not yet enrolled, they will not appear on the report. 

The training report cannot be customized. 

How are updates to courses handled?

If a user has completed a course and either new content is added or modified as a result of product feature changes (related to stack releases), users will receive a message to notify them of the content changes. It is up to the user based on the expectations of their organization to revisit the topic(s) where these content changes have occurred (they are identified by a partially complete circle when lessons are expanded). Their original course completion certificate will not be invalidated when new content is pushed out. 

Is the LMS integrated with OC4?

The LMS is not integrated with OC4 (yet). When a user completes a course, being added to the study is a separate event not managed by the system. This will require the customer to follow their current process for adding users to studies. While we will be working toward that integration, no formal date has been set yet.