The OpenClinica VM Image is under the Open Virtualization Archive (OVA) format known to work well with free and open source VirtualBox. We recommend using VirtualBox 5.0 or newer.
You can download Virtualbox from
Documentation and community support is readily available from the same website as well.
The following shows how to load the OpenClinica VM image in VirtualBox
- Open VirtualBox.
- Open “Import Appliance…” from the File menu.
- Now browse to the location where you downloaded the ova file and select it and click “Open”.
- Once imported, you can press “Start” to start the OpenClinica virtual machine
- Login using user name root and password clinica. Find the ip address of the virtual machine using ifconfig command inside the virtual machine. If the network is not up (ping to find out). You might have to adjust your network settings (default is bridged) within VirtualBox and run service network restart to restart your virtual machine network service. Confirm you have network running correctly before proceeding to the next step.
- Security (it is highly recommended that you follow these steps immediately after first start):
– You should change and record the default password for system account “root” (login as root and apply command “passwd”)
– You should upgrade the base system immediately to install all security updates published meanwhile. The base system is CentOS 6.8, so you need to run as root the command “yum -y update” - Go to http://ip-address:8080/OpenClinica/ where ip-address should be replaced by the actual ip address you found out using ifconfig in the previous step.
- You should be able to see the OpenClinica login page. The JUNO study demo accounts are as follows:
datamanager / password
crc_A / password
investigator_A / password