The OpenClinica software is written in the Java programming language, so you must have Java installed on your system in order to run the OpenClinica application. Follow these instructions to install Java:
- OpenClinica 3.1 is designed to run on a Java 6 SDK 1.6.x platform. To avoid conflicts with other versions of Java, clear out any other Java installations on the system. Select Start > Control Panel > Add Remove Programs, then remove any Java JREs and SDKs.
- Create the directory c:ocinstall.
- From one of the following websites, download the Java 6 SE Development Kit 6.0 update 24 (jdk-6u24-windows-i586.exe) into c:ocinstall:
- Java:
- OpenClinica:
- Run c:ocinstalljdk-6u24-windows-i586.exe.
The Open File – Security Warning message displays. - Click Run.
The Welcome to Java Installation Wizard opens. - Click Next.
The Custom Setup screen displays. - Click Change….
- Change the path to c:ocjdk1.6.0_24, then click OK.
The Custom Setup screen should now look like this: - Click Next.
The Setup Wizard installs the JDK. When setup completes, a screen to install JRE6 displays. - Click Cancel, and then in the confirmation dialog box click Yes.
The Install Success screen displays. - Click Finish.
- A web browser window opens, presenting you with the option to register the JDK. Register, or close the window.