OpenClinica and OpenClinica Web Services run and depend on several external software technologies: the Java Development Kit, the Apache Tomcat Servlet Container, and the PostgreSQL relational database (unless you are using the Oracle database).
The OpenClinica website has a copy of the neccessary installers for Java, Tomcat, and PostgreSQL for you to download. If you choose to use versions of Java, Tomcat, and PostgreSQL other than those provided on the website, please note that they have not been tested with the OpenClinica application.
There are 32-bit and 64-bit editions of the software, when applicable. To determine if your system is running a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system, in your Linux terminal, run
uname -a
The display reports the version:
- If i386 or i686 displays, it is a 32-bit operating system.
- If x86_64 displays, it is a 64-bit operating system.
To download the installation files:
- Run the following commands to create the OpenClinica directory on your system and to make it the current directory:mkdir -p /usr/local/oc/install
cd /usr/local/oc/install - Run the following commands to download the Java, Tomcat, and PostgreSQL files for your architecture. In the commands, substitute v.x with the version of OpenClinica you are installing ( e.g. 3.1):
- For 32-bit operating systems, to get the files from OpenClinica run:
If you will be using PostgreSQL (not Oracle) for your database, also run:
- For 64-bit operating systems, to get the files from OpenClinca, run:
-3.1/linux/jdk-6u24-linux-x64.binIf you will be using PostgreSQL (not Oracle) for your database, also run:
- Instead of downloading the files from the above links, you can download them directly from their native websites:
- For 32-bit operating systems, to get the files from OpenClinica run:
- Download the OpenClinica software from the OpenClinica website, using this location: To download the software, you need a OpenClinica community user account, which is free to create; you will be required to log in to the account to download the OpenClinica software.
After downloading the OpenClinica software, move it to the directory where you downloaded the other software components to: