OpenClinica Insight Release 1.1 (v0.1.15)  (Release Date – 11 February, 2019)

OpenClinica Insight v0.1.15 includes the ability to reference data in various audit log and user account tables.

This release also includes some minor data reference improvements and performance improvements.

Highlights include: 


  • The following user account tables have been added to the Insight study database:
    • User Accounts:
      This table contains a list of all user accounts that have (or ever had) a study- or site-level role in the given study environment.
    • User Roles:
      This table contains all standard and customized user roles defined and available for user accounts in the given study environment.
    • User Account Role:
      This table contains the mapping of each user account with the corresponding assigned user role in the study environment.
    • User Types: This table contains the user types possible for all user accounts. For example: Admin, User, Technical Administrator (reserved), and Participant (reserved). 
  • The following audit log tables have been added to the insight study database:
    • Audit Log Events:
      This table contains a log of all changes made to the audit log entities such as: Participants, Study Events, Event CRFs or Item Data.
    • Audit Log Event Entities:
      This table contains a list of the audit log event entities for which the audit logs events are logged. For example: Participant, Study Event, Event CRF, or Item Data.
    • Audit Log Event Type:
      This table contains a list of all possible audit log event types available for each audit log entity. For example: Item data value updated, Event CRF Status changed.
    • Entity Statuses:
      This table contains all possible entity statuses for most entities.

Changes & Fixes: 

  • Data reference improvements and enhancements
  • Performance improvements for data refresh of OC3 databases with multiple studies


OpenClinica Insight Release 1.1 (v0.1.14)  (Release Date – 4 December, 2018)

OpenClinica Insight v0.1.14 contains a couple of defect fixes that were communicated as part of Insight release 1.

Highlights include: 


  • None

Changes & Fixes: 

  • Issue related to incorrect CRF version in various item group tables has been resolved. You should have the correct CRF version information in all item group tables (clinical data tables)
  • Issue with the SDV tables, where incorrect could were showing up for the common event forms that are SDVed or need to be SDVed, has been resolved

OpenClinica Insight Release 1 (v0.1.13)  (Release Date – 25 October, 2018)

OpenClinica Insight Release 1 is our first production release of Insight for OpenClinica 4 studies.

Highlights include:


  • Deploy OpenClinica Insight reporting environment with connection to clinical data from OpenClinica 4 studies
  • Update database metadata to synchronize with OpenClinica 4 database (e.g. columns, names, constraints, references, etc.)
  • Update metabase data reference information to match OpenClinica 4 data
  • Allow Study’s Test and Prod together on the same Insight instance
  • Include/update SQL templates for OC4 source database preparation
  • Revise config format to not require manually duplicated / edited config info

Open Issues:

  • CRF Version in the data tables is incorrect when there are more than one active versions for a given CRF
  • SDV cmpletion count is incorrect for the common event CRFs
  • Completed timestamp in Event CRF table is not populated sometimes
  • Event CRF display order is not populated in Event CRF table