The Manage Rules page allows you to view and manage the Rules for your Study. The list of Rules is filtered by default to display only Available (active) Rules.


View or Restore Removed Rule(s)

To view and/or restore Rules that have been removed, click the Show More link above the table, click in the Rule Status column, and click Removed from the dropdown list.


Manage Rules page (Study Level)

The column headers (once Show More link is selected) and the cells with detail information in the Manage Rules table:

Run On ScheduleTrue or False, indicating whether the Rule was created to run at a set time on a daily basis
using the RunOnSchedule statement.
Run TimeIf Run On Schedule is True, this is the time that the Rule is scheduled to run.
Target The Target element defined in the RuleAssignment in the XML file.
Study EventThe Study Event affected by the Rule.
CRF The CRF affected by the Rule.
Version The version of the CRF affected by the Rule.
Group The Group Label affected by the Rule.
Item NameThe Item Name affected by the Rule.
Rule NameThe user-defined brief description of the Rule.
Rule OIDThe user-provided OID that uniquely identifies the Rule.
Rule DescriptionThe user-provided statement describing the actions the Rule will perform.
Expression The condition that must be met to trigger the Rule
CRF ValidationsYes or No to indicate whether validation exists for the item in a CRF Template.
Execute OnTrue or False to indicate whether the Rule should execute if the Expression condition is met (TRUE) or not met (FALSE.
Action TypeThe action that the Rule will execute. For example, DiscrepancyNoteAction, EmailAction, NotificationAction, InsertAction, etc.
Action SummaryA summary of the Rule characteristics. This includes the action type prompted if the underlying condition is met, when it is run, and Rule properties.

Role-based actions that can be applied to the Rule. These depend on User Role. See Overview section for more details.


    view icon View Displays the details of this rule

    Run Run Runs the rule as specified

    Remove Icon Remove Removes a Rule assignment so it will not be executed unless it is restored

    Restore Icon Restore Restores a Rule assignment that had been removed (must click Show More to  
            display this action)

    Download Icon Download Downloads the XML code for the Rule

    Test Opens the Test Rules page and allows you to do basic testing of the Rule 



Use the column headers and filter fields (grey boxes) to sort and filter, or filter by Event CRF by using the tree in the ‘Info’ panel which is located on the left hand pane (see figure below). By default the table is filtered by Rule Status (Available) and sorted by Item Name.


Filtering Rules Using the Info Pane 

1. Locate the Info pane. Verify if it is expanded. If it is not, click on the maximize icon on the right (red box).

2. Click on the expand icon to the left of Study Event you are interested in (blue box)

3. A list of CRFs corresponding to the Study Event is populated in a tree hierarchy. Select the CRF (green box)

4. The Rules are filtered based on the CRF and Study Event you selected (see figure below)


Filter Result

The green arrows at the top of the table allow you to navigate through the pages. If you have fewer than 15 Rules in your study the arrows will be greyed out and only one page will be displayed. With the drop-down menu next to the arrows you can choose how many subjects should be displayed on one page (15, 25, or 50). You will also see a Test Rules link which, when you select it, brings you to the Test Rules page. You may click on the action icons to view, test, execute and manage these rules.