To view detailed information for a Subject, click the View icon View Icon in the Actions column. This is a way to see the Subject casebook, that is, all Study information for the Subject. The View Subject page for that Subject opens, with the following sections: Study Subject Record, Events, Group, and Global Subject Record.

To show or hide the information for a section, click the plus or minus sign next to that section. The Events section is shown by default.


Study Subject Record Section

The Study Subject Record section provides overall information about the Subject including the OID (Object Identifier) and other fields such as Date of Birth that are shown if your Study was configured to do so. To view all captured transactions for the Subject, click the Audit Log link. To make changes for the Study Subject, click the Edit Record link, which opens the Update Study Subject Details page.

Study Subject Record


Events Section

The Events section shows a table of all the events assigned to a Study Subject.

To find Events by name or location, enter the value you are looking for in the text box and click Find.

To add an event for a Subject, click Schedule New Event, which opens the Schedule Study Event page.

Each row in the Events table shows details for an Event for that Subject, reported in the first column.

The other columns of the Events table show details for that Event occurrence:

  • Start Date
  • Location
  • Status
  • Actions, represented by icons, that you can perform for the Event
  • CRFs for the Event

For each CRF in the Event, the table shows:

  • CRF Name
  • Version
  • Status, represented by icons
  • Updated, which reports when the CRF was last updated and who updated it
  • Actions, represented by icons, that you can perform for the CRF

You can remove a CRF for a Subject; after being removed, the CRF is marked as Invalid. You can restore a CRF that has been removed.

For more details about editing a CRF, see Enter Data for an Event: Completing CRFs.

By default, Events are ordered by Start Date, with the most recent Start Date first. Click a column header to order by that information. Click again in that column to reverse the sort order.

Subject Details


Group Section

The Group section shows the Groups the Subject is assigned to. To add a Subject to a Group, click Assign Subject to Group, which opens the Update Study Subject Details page.

Group Section of Subject Details


Global Subject Record Section

The Global Subject Record section shows the Subject Record.

Global Subject Record in Subject Matrix