Web Services are optional. Do not install them if you are not planning to use them.
  1. The current directory on your system should be /usr/local/oc/install. If it is not, make it the current directory by running:

    cd /usr/local/oc/install

  2. Run the following commands. In the commands, v.x is your version of OpenClinica, e.g. 3.1:

    unzip OpenClinica-ws-v.x*
    cd OpenClinica-ws-v.x*/distribution

    unzip OpenClinica-ws.war -d OpenClinica-ws
    cp -rf OpenClinica* /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
    rm -f /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/OpenClinica-ws.war

OpenClinica web services are now deployed for use with the database.