Before you invite users to your study, add at least one site. This applies even if your study is only collecting data from a single site.

To Add a Site:

  1. On the Share screen, scroll down to Sites, and click the Add button.
  1. On the Add Site screen, begin to type the site name.
    1. If the site already exists in another environment, select that site from the list. Fields are prefilled with site information.
    2. If you need to make a new site, type the name of the site, and enter information in the appropriate fields.
      1. Although the Expected Number of Participants field is required, this will not limit the number of participants at the site. Limiting the number of participants can only be done at the Study level. View the Create a Study page for detail on limiting participants in a study.

Note: Sites are global, meaning if you use a site in Study A you don’t need to recreate that site for Study B. When adding an existing site to a study, values appear in the Site Name, Time Zone, City, State/Province, Zip, and Country fields automatically.

  1. Click the Save button.

Within Study Runner, additional site specific CRF settings can be configured on the Site Details page after publishing.

  1. Select Sites within the Tasks menu.
  2. Click the Edit pencil icon within the Actions column for the Site.
  3. Select the Event to edit. From here, you can edit the the CRF settings for the site including the SDV requirement, Default Version, and Form Submission URL (if using Participate Public URL).