To add one Subject and schedule the first Event for the Subject:
- In the Subject Matrix, click the Add New Subject link.
The Add New Subject page opens. Complete the information on the page as described in the following steps. Some of the information might be optional for your Study; an asterisk (*) indicates a required field. For a description of the terms, see the Glossary. - Enter the Study Subject ID. Note: For your Study, OpenClinica might be configured to automatically generate the ID.
- Enter the Enrollment Date in the specified format, or click the calendar icon to select it.
- Select the Sex.
- Enter the Date of Birth in the specified format, or click the calendar icon to select it.
- Select the Group(s) from the drop-down list, if any Subject Group Classes were defined in the Study setup.
- Select the first Study Event from the drop-down list.
- Enter the Start Date for the Event, or click the calendar icon to select it.
- Click Add to add the Subject to the Study, or click Cancel and no data about the Subject is saved.