For background information, see About CRF Versions.

You can add a new version of a CRF to OpenClinica under the following conditions:

  • The CRF_NAME in the new version of the defined CRF must match the CRF Name already in OpenClinica, but the value for VERSION must be different.
  • For each ITEM_NAME, the DESCRIPTION, GROUP LABEL, and DATA_TYPE must exactly match the DESCRIPTION, GROUP LABEL, and DATA_TYPE already in OpenClinica. Changes to response sets are limited.

For more information, see CRF Versioning in the OpenClinica Technical Documentation.

When you add a new version of a CRF, the version already in OpenClinica remains. If you want to, you can remove the previous version from OpenClinica after adding the new version, or you can keep the previous version if you want users to be able to complete either versions going forward.

To add a new version:

  1. Access the Table of CRFs.

    Table of CRFs - Before Adding CRF

  2. For the CRF to which you are adding a new version, click the Create New Version icon CRF - Create New Version Icon.
    The Create a CRF Version for … page opens. In the example shown here, a new version (Espanol) is being added for the Last Treatment CRF.

    CRF - Create New Version, Adding a Version

  3. Click Browse, then navigate to the CRF you want to upload. Select the file and click Open.
  4. Click Preview CRF Version.
    The Check CRF Version Data page opens, presenting a preview of the defined CRF in the OpenClinica web interface.
  5. Correct any errors as described in Upload a Defined CRF (step 6).
  6. After previewing the CRF and making changes, click Continue.
    The Create a New CRF Version – Data Committed Successfully page opens.
  7. Click Go back to the CRF List.
    The Manage CRFs page opens. The version of the CRF you added is listed in the table.

    Table of CRFs - After Adding CRF

Now, when a user enters Event Data for a Subject, they can choose which version of the defined CRF to use. For the example, Last Treatment, the user can choose the English or Espanol version.

Enter CRF Data - Choose Version