When you define a CRF for use in OpenClinica, you use Excel (1997 to 2003 version) to provide the content in these four tabs (sheets) of the CRF .xls file:

  • CRF
  • Sections
  • Groups
  • Items

Each tab contains column headers that specify what belongs in that column; do not modify the column headers.

The fifth tab contains complete instructions for providing content for the CRF. You can also access instructions when you are providing content in the other tabs: click a column header and detailed instructions for that column display in a pop-up window.

To familiarize yourself with how the defined CRF in Excel relates to the presentation of that CRF in the OpenClinica web interface, see About CRFs in OpenClinica.

When you are first learning to provide content for defined CRFs for OpenClinica, work on only one or two Items at a time.

For more information, see OpenClinica eCRF Specifications in the OpenClinica Technical Documentation.


Instructions Tab in the Defined CRF:

Defined CRF when opened in Excel, showing the Instructions tab


Clicking a Column Header in the Defined CRF Displays Instructions for that Column in a Pop-Up Window:

Defined CRF showing pop-up instructions