You can find, view details for, edit, and download data for dataset definitions for the current Study or Site:
- Select Tasks > View Datasets.
The View Dataset page opens, listing all existing dataset definitions in a table. - Locate the dataset definition you want using any of these methods:
- By default, dataset definitions are listed in ascending alphabetical order by Name. To reorder the table by a different column, click that column header. To reverse the order, click the column header again.
- Enter a string in the Find text field, then click the Find button. OpenClinica displays the dataset definitions that contain the string in the Name, Description, Created By, or Created Date fields.
- Click Show only My Datasets, which is next to Find, to see only the dataset definitions that you created.
- You can then click an icon in the Actions column for a dataset definition to perform any of the following:
- Click the View icon
to view the Event CRF Items and Attributes selected for the dataset definition on that page.
- Generate and download the dataset file in a format you select by clicking the Export This Dataset button.
- Click the Export icon
- Access the dataset files previously generated for the dataset definition.
- Generate and download the dataset to a file in the format you select.
- Click the Remove icon
to make the dataset unavailable to other OpenClinica users.
- Click the Restore
icon to make a dataset available after having previously removed it.
- Click the View icon