Next, let’s explore how to view and enter data.
The features of OC4 data entry include the following:
- Participant Matrix: Easily see the data entry status of participants.
- Auto-save: Automatically save during data entry.
- Conditional field display: Only see relevant fields during data entry.
- Automatic calculations and edit checks: Automatically use calculations and checks.
- Queries: Easily create or view queries.
Forms are a collection of data entry fields for an Event or multiple Events. For example, the First Visit Event might contain the Eligibility, Consent, and Demographics Forms.
There are different types of fields, such as: select one, select multiple, integer, date, image, etc. Note that All changes saved appears at the bottom of the Form because all changes are saved automatically.
Forms can be simple (with one question per row) or grid (with one or multiple questions per box).
Conditional Fields
Some fields only appear if you enter a specific response in another field. For example, if the response to Do you smoke? is No, no related fields appear. If the response to Do you smoke? is Yes, other fields such as Packs per day might appear.
Edit Checks
If you enter a value that is invalid due to a constraint or do not respond to a required field, a message appears on the Form.
Closing or Marking a Form Complete
When you are finished entering data, you can close a Form and continue to enter data later or mark the Form Complete.
Before You Enter Data
- Add a Participant
- Schedule an Event
Entering Data
To Enter Data Directly into Visit Event Forms:
- On the Participant Details screen, click the Form Card to open the form in its default mode or click the Actions menu (three dot menu in the lower right corner of the Form Card) to select from the available actions on the form.
- The default mode for the Form Card will be based on the highest access mode available.
- If the form is editable and you have edit permission for the form, the form will open in Edit mode. However, if the form is Completed, it will default to open in Review-only mode, but can still be opened in Edit mode by using the Actions menu.
- If you do not have edit permission, it will open in Review-only mode if you have query editing access, or read-only mode if you do not.
- The default mode for the Form Card will be based on the highest access mode available.
- Enter information into each field and Submit when ready.
Enter Data Directly into Common Event Forms:
- On the Participant Details screen, click the Common Event header to expand it.
- Click the Add New button.
- Or, to enter data in an existing Form, click the menu in the Actions column and select Edit.
- Enter information into each field.
To Continue to the Next Page or Back to the Previous Page of the Form:
Click the Next button to proceed on the Form, and click the Back button to return to the previous page of the Form.
To Close the Form and Continue Data Entry Later:
Click the Close button.
Mark Data Entry Complete:
Click the Complete button.
Queries are inquiries or alerts about data that needs to be reviewed.
The system creates queries automatically if you close a Form that has unaddressed errors or you can manually create a query.
Another user can respond to it and/or change the response in the field. Only Data Managers and Monitors can close queries.
Add a Manual Query:
- Click on the Query Bubble next to the field you want to inquire about.
- Click +New.
- Enter text in the Add a New Query text box.
- (Optional) Select a user to assign the query to.
- (Optional) Check the Email? box to send an email notification.
Allow the System to Automatically Create a Query for the Value in Question:
- Click the Close button on a Form.
- Click the Proceed button.
- The system auto-generates a query based on the default message text defined in the Form.