Testing a New Rule in Rule Designer

OpenClinica Rule Designer offers an easy interface to test the rules so that you will be able to instantaneously observe the simulation of the rule that you just created on CRF Items. The Test tab serves as a “mock-up” of rules if it were to be deployed on actual CRF Items. Based on the outcome of the test, you can determine if further changes to the rule are necessary. 

 1. In order to test a rule, you must ensure that your rule is valid. Refer to Building a New Rule in Rule Designer section for more information.  Once complete, access the Test tab on the center pane. 

2. Initially, you will notice that there will be only 2 tabs displayed on the Test tab. The upper tab contains the information pertaining to the action you selected on the Designer tab. The bottom tab contains data fields for the impacted CRF items. You can modify the input variables on this tab as desired. 

3. Modify the input parameters of the impacted CRF Items. Once complete, click “Test”

 4. Once run, there will be an additional tab displayed on the bottom of the second tab named “Verify Results”. This tab contains the outcome of the test if the rule were to be deployed as is in OpenClinica. You can evaluate the result and determine if you need to commit further edits on the rule. You can also modify the input variables from step 2 and rerun the test again as many times as possible. 



The Test tab before the rule is executed. Note that there are only 2 tabs available. 



The Test tab is displayed after the rule is executed (tested) for the first time. Note that “Verify Results” tab is now displayed.