To view Subjects in all Studies in the OpenClinica system, select Tasks > Subjects.
The Administer Subjects page opens, listing global information for all Subjects in your OpenClinica system.
The table reports the following information. Some of the information is optional, as specified in the Study Parameters Configuration settings:
- Person ID: Unique identifier for a Subject across all Studies. The value was assigned when you added the Subject. Person ID is an optional value, and can be empty if it is not specified as required in the Study Parameter Configuration settings. If you assigned a Subject to multiple Studies and used the same Person ID, the row shows all information for that Person ID across the Studies.
- Protocol-Study Subject IDs: Unique identifier for the Study and the Subject in the Study. When a Subject is assigned to more than one Study, all values are reported here, with each separated by a comma. In the above example screen, Person ID OC032 belongs to two Studies because there are two sets of values in this column: Study Subject SCRC-SCRC007 in Study R01-12345, and Study Subject BRO-101 in Study R01-98765.
- Sex: If you do not specify Sex as a required value in the Study Parameter Configuration settings, the value can be blank.
- Date Created: Date when you first added the Subject to your OpenClinica system.
- Owner: User name of the person who first added the Subject to your OpenClinica system.
- Date Updated: The most recent date a user updated global information for the Subject.
- Last Updated By: The user who most recently updated global information for the Subject.
- Status: When the Person ID has been removed from the OpenClinica system the Status is “removed,” and otherwise the Status is “available.”