Create Method generates a new Study Subject.


Creates a study subjects in a target study/site. Required and optional fields will be determined by the configuration of the study and site the subject is being created in.

SOAP XML Request and Response Template

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 
${insert header}
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



Request Parameters

labelStudy Subject IDStudySubjectBean:labelstudy_subject:label– cannot be longer than 30 charactersString



Note: The OID of the study subject is truncated if the label contains 9 or more characters. For example, if you create a subject with a Study Subject ID # ALC5000001 –> the Study Subject OID saved in the database is: SS_ALC50000 instead of SS_ALC5000001

If there is another study subject containing the same first 8 characters as the first study subject,the second study subject will have the same OID as the first study subject with an appended 4 randomly assigned digits to ensure uniqueness. For example, if after you submitted a request to create a Study subject of  ALC5000001, you submit a request to create a  Study Subject ID # ALC5000002, the Study Subject OID saved in the database is: SS_ALC50000_5363 instead of SS_ALC5000002


Y – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Generate the Study Subject ID” is set to Manual Entry.

N – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Generate the Study Subject ID” is set to Auto-generated and Editable or Auto-generated and Non-editable.

secondaryLabelSecondary IDStudySubjectBean:secondaryLabelstudy_subject:secondary_label– cannot be longer than 30 charactersString<secondaryLabel>?</secondaryLabel>N
enrollmentDateDate of EnrollmentStudySubjectBean:enrollmentDatestudy_subject:enrollment_date

– should be a valid date in the ISO 8601 format

– date should be in the past

subject:uniqueIdentifierPerson IDSubjectBean:uniqueIdentifiersubject:unique_identifier– cannot be longer than 255 charactersString <uniqueIdentifier>PID001</uniqueIdentifier>

Y – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Person ID Required” is set to Required.

N – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Person ID Required” is set to Optional or Not Used.

subject:genderSexSubjectBean:gendersubject:gender– should be ‘m’ or ‘f’ char <gender>m<gender>

Y – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Sex Required” is set to Yes.

N – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Sex Required” is set to No.

subject:dateOfBirthDate of BirthSubjectBean:dateOfBirthsubject:date_of_birth– should be a valid date in the ISO 8601 format Date<dateOfBirth>2008-12-12</dateOfBirth>

 Y – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Collect Subject Date of Birth” is set to Yes.

N – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Collect Subject Date of Birth” is set to Not Used or Only Year of Birth.

subject:yearOfBirthDate of BirthSubjectBean:dateOfBirthsubject:date_of_birth– should be a valid year Date <yearOfBirth>2008</yearOfBirth>

 Y – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Collect Subject Date of Birth” is set to Only Year of Birth.

N – if “Study Parameter Configuration – Collect Subject Date of Birth” is set to Not Used or Yes.

studyRef:identifierUnique Protocol IDStudyBean:identifierstudy:unique_identifier

– should be a valid study identifier

 String <identifier>StudyA</identifier> Y
siteRef:identifierUnique Protocol IDStudyBean:identifierstudy:unique_identifier– should be a valid site identifier String <identifier>SiteA</identifier> N


 Response Parameters

ParameterUIDomainDBResult on successResult on fail
labelStudy Subject IDStudySubjectBean:labelstudy_subject:label<label>SSID001</label><label/>
errorn/an/an/an/a<error>An error message indicating reason of failure</error>