
This web service inserts CRF item data. The data supplied to the method should be in CDISC ODM XML format.

Starting with OpenClinica release 3.6, the UpsertOn tag and OpenClinica:Status clause are available. Details are provided in CDISC ODM XML format

Starting with OpenClinica release 3.1.3 if you have Rules attached to your CRF, you can run them when uploading data from web services by turning on ImportDataEntry flag in rules definition. For example, in order to enable a discrepancy note rule action executed on import the rule should have ImportDataEntry flag set to true:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>




        <RuleRef OID=”RU2″>

            <DiscrepancyNoteAction IfExpressionEvaluates=”false”>

                <Run AdministrativeDataEntry=”true”

                    InitialDataEntry=”true” DoubleDataEntry=”true”

                    ImportDataEntry=”true” Batch=”false”/>

                <Message>This is a discrepancy note test</Message>




    <RuleDef OID=”RU2″ Name=”Blank exam date”>

        <Description>CRF can not be blank.</Description>

        <Expression>I_RULES_HEIGHT eq “100”</Expression>




SOAP XML Request and Response Template

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:OpenClinica="">
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-27777511" xmlns:wsu="">
<wsse:Password Type="">password</wsse:Password>
<ODM ....
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">


Request Parameters

studyRef:identifierUnique Protocol IDStudyBean:identifierstudy:unique_identifierN/AString<identifier>study identifier</identifier>Y
siteRef:identifierUnique Protocol IDStudyBean:identifierstudy:unique_identifierN/AString<identifier>site identifier</identifier>N

Response Parameters

ParameterUIDomainDBResult on successResult on fail
warningn/an/an/a<warning>A warning message</warning>n/a
errorn/an/an/an/a<error>An error message indicating reason of failure</error>